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- (1)
( (1) 0,2 mg/l sind tolerierbar (1) 0.2 mg / can you tolerate
Chlorine Dioxide:
Maximum dosage: 0.4 mg / l
Concentration (c) after completion of treatment of the water:
0.05 mg / l <c <0.2 mg / l
Twin Oxide-0, 3% - chlorine dioxide solution:
Worst-case: 3800 mg / l = (3800 ppm)
Dilution for the dosage of 0.4 ppm: 9500
In the test report for the TO-Solution:
Chlorite: 480 mg / l
Chlorate: 528 mg / l
Sum :Chlorite + Chlorate: 1008 mg / l
Chlorite and chlorate after 9500-fold dilution:
Chlorite: 0.05 mg / l
Chlorate: 0,055 mg / l
It follows the test report:
/2/ Werdehoff, K.S. & P.C. Singer 1987: Chlorine dioxide effects on THMFP, TOXFP and the formation of inorganic by-products. Jour. AWWA, 79 (9); 107-113
Chlorine Dioxide Effects on THMFP, TOXFP, and the Formation of Inorganic By-products
Journal American Water Works Association - J AMER WATER WORK ASSN 01/1987; 79(9):107-113.
ABSTRACT An investigation of raw and finished waters was conducted (1) to determine whether chlorine dioxide pretreatment lowers trihalomethane (THM) and total organic halide (TOX) formation, (2) to evaluate the rate of chlorine dioxide consumption and the corresponding rate and extent of chlorite formation, and (3) to investigate the stability of chlorite in treated water and its interaction with chlorine. Results of these experiments showed that chlorine dioxide can reduce THM and TOX precursor concentrations and that when added to raw water, chlorine dioxide will not persist long enough to maintain oxidizing conditions through flocculation-sedimentation basins. Utilities should be able to meet the recommended limit of 1.0 mg/L for the sum of the residual chlorine dioxide species by not exceeding a chlorine dioxide dosage of 1.2-1.4 mg/L. Una investigatión de aguas crudas y terminadas de fué conducida (1) para determinar si pretratamiento con cloro dióxido reducé la formación de trihalométanos (THM) y haluro orgánico total (TOX), (2) para evaluar la velocidad de consunción de cloro dioxido y la velocidad y grado correspondiente de formación de clorita, (3) para investigar la estabilidad de clorita en agua tratada y su interactión con cloro. Resultados mostraron que cloro dióxido puede reducir niveles de precursores de THM y TOX y que cuando agregado a agua cruda, cloro dióxido no mantendrá condiciones oxidantes a través de cuencas de floculation y sedimentatión. Utilidades deberian ser capaces de llegar al límite recomendado de 1.0 mg/L para la suma de las especies residuales de cloro dióxido si no exceden una dosis de cloro dióxido de 1.2-1.4 mg/L.
/3/ Long-Term Effects of Disinfection Changes on Water Quality
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